
My first experiences in Dublin

- Posted on: 07/02/2021 - By: Gabi Hasselmann $itemValue.title

I know our check-in time at Gardiner House is only at 3PM, but since I knew we would get there in the morning because of our flight schedule, I emailed them earlier this week asking if we could just drop our bags there until check-in is possible and they said this is not a problem at all. They have a luggage room which is free of charge and available for all guests. They also said that we can have our check in procedure done already so we just need to get our room keys once we are back at the hostel later on in the afternoon. That is handy, isn’t it?

Okay, now that we left our luggage and sorted our check-in requirements, let’s go around! I’m starving!!! What do you feel like eating? There are several takeaway restaurants just around the corner only 5 minutes from here and we can find burgers, pizza, Indian, Brazilian food, and some sushi. But I feel more like sitting in a pleasant restaurant, having our first pint together and relaxing for a bit. What do you reckon?

Okay then, let’s do it. Shall we go for some local food? If we head to O’Connell street, we’ll find some nice restaurants and pubs, and we’ll end up passing by one of the main landmarks in Dublin: The Spire! But we’ll talk about it later. Let’s sort out our restaurant first, I’m hungry and thirsty. 

So, Murrays is a great option for us. It’s just a 10 minutes’ walk from Gardiner House so it’ll give us the option to recharge our energies before we keep going through O’Connell street. Murray’s is a large, traditional and well-known bar, which serves good local food, has sports on TV plus traditional Irish music on the weekends. Their open seating area actually faces a small square which connects another 3 pubs. Their Irish beef stew is just delicious, and their pints are creamy. Do you fancy a drink? We need to order a Guinness first to start our real Irish experience - I’m curious to know your opinion about it!

Now that we are recharged and ready to go, do you fancy another drink? There is a pub I really LOVE just 10 minutes’ walk from where we are. It’s called The Church, and it’s literally a late bar situated inside of an old church! :O First time I was there I went crazy - it’s such an unique experience. Think of it: how many times in life do you get the opportunity to go to a pub in an old church!? What’s more and even better: they have live music sessions, and their food is great! Do you fancy another pint there!? 

Yes? So, a pint it is! Amen!


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