
To reduce our single plastic use, we have changed suppliers so that we can buy our cleaning and hygiene products in bulk and refill the current bottles instead of buying small units that are disposed weekly.

We are also proud to have eco-friendly suppliers like Musgrave, who supply us with business essentials. As a company, they strive to conduct their business in the most sustainable and environmentally friendly way possible. They are moving to a more sustainable future in many ways, like investing in new eco-friendly refrigeration systems, reducing their footprint by maximizing their route efficiencies, printing on FSC certified paper, and increasing the number of small and local suppliers they source their products from.

Our linen comes from Celtic Linen, a sustainable and conscious supplier that is committed to a greener future. From a smart Water Reduction System to their Steam and Heat Recovery Systems, they show their commitment to recycling and green energy in every wash, every day. Within their best practices are the following: improve the effectiveness and efficiency of environmental management through assessments, performance, cost metrics, and environmental objectives; use innovative and industry-leading wash processes reducing the requirements for water, chemical, and steam usage; and adopt best practices guidelines for energy usage in laundries.

We will always encourage you, our guest, to consider public transport to get around. But we know that it's not always possible and you might need to catch a taxi sometimes. That's why we support and partner with Free Now, which is committed to investing in green mobility, with Ireland's largest fleet of electric and hybrid taxis. The company offers its customers a more sustainable way to travel with the same speed and convenience, at no extra cost.

Finally, our energy supplier is also committed to making the difference. Their long-term goal is to supply all their customers with 100% renewable energy solutions by 2040. They also offer Carbon Offsetting for their customers to be able to opt-in and support a variety of sustainable projects.

We are proud to have all these thoughtful companies as our suppliers as we aim to reduce the impact of our business on the environment.

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